Friday, August 18, 2006

Look What Google Just Bought . . . will this be Affiliate Marketings New Playground?

When Google goes shopping everybody wants to see what they bought! But when the Google blog announced the purchase of Neven Vision, a key player in face and image recognition, there’s speculation there may be more in the works than what is apparent at first blush. Google's trying to pass their new purchase off as a technology that will make it a lot easier for you to organize and find the photos you care about. But insiders are looking far beyond pictures . . .

So what could this mean for the everyday affiliate marketer? Advertising with Google AdWords could get a whole lot more interesting. Loren Baker writes, “Seems like Google AdWords on buses, billboards and other forms of outdoor advertising is not just a joke among Madison Avenue players anymore.

“Imagine Google AdWords technology monitoring the profiles of users and the paths they generally take to the workplace, favorite lunchtime eatery, or commute home; and then optimizing the outdoor or subway advertising to show the most relevant ad to the most relevant group at the most relevant time.

Question is, will Google bring mobile face recognition to its consumer marketplace? Will one be able to take a picture of someone at the bar, search on Google for him or her, then be able to read that person’s blog, MySpace profile or home address? Chances are doing so would conjure up all kinds of privacy controversies, but the technology to do so is right around the corner.” (For the complete article visit Loren Baker’s Search Engine Journal Blog ).

And even if the average Joe doesn’t have this technology, what will Google know about the average Joe. What will Google know about you? Paranoia, alive and well! Until next time . . .

All the best,

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