Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Co-Citation - and SEO

Okay, apparently getting backlinks to your website is not the "be all, end all" it use to be. For some time the prevailing thought was to get the search engines attention - to show them your worth - you had to get massive amounts of backlinks. However, it seems backlinks won't get you where you want to be . . . there's more to it.

Enter - Co-Citation. I won't pretend to understand completely, but Jim Boykin's Internet Marketing Blog seems to have a handle on it and has a marvelous explanation of the whole thing.

As you've probably noticed, there are groups of marketers who all market similar products or maybe I should say complementary products. They'll each refer customers to each other and will all benefit from the association. And this is a natural thing and search engines recognize this. If you are a quality site - a site which provides value to the web and those searching the web, you will have people in your business or in businesses complementary to your business linking to you.

This is what Google and the other search engines are looking for. Natural linking. For a great (read better than mine) explanation of Co-Citation, check out Jim Boykin's Internet Marketing Blog.

Of course getting great backlinks is not all there is to SEO, it is a piece of the puzzle and the info on Co-Citations is great information to have.

Until next time . . .

All the best,
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