Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Market Your Affiliate Products with Ads

Lots of time we get our minds fixed on something and then we have trouble letting go of the idea.  I do a lot of  Article Marketing  and sometimes I have more products and keywords to promote than I have time to write articles for.   So they get shoved to the background and often I never get to them.

But I can write several ads in the time it takes to write one article . . . duh, but I sort of forget I can use ads as well as articles.

In case you've never tried them,  USFreeAds  is a great inexpensive way to market affiliate products.   For $9.95 a month, you can place an unlimited number of ads each month, that automatically renew.  (Tip: You can get a  premium acount for less  if you follow this link and my advise.)

And if you haven't checked us out lately, drop by the EarnOnYourComputer website . . . we've had a facelift.

Until next time . . .

All the best,
Learn How to Make Money Online

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