Friday, February 01, 2008

The Secret of a Business Plan

I'm a big list maker. I seem to get more done if I have a list. If I know exactly what I'm suppose to be doing, getting or where I'm suppose to be at a given time, I'll generally do it, get it or be there.

But without that list, I'm pretty much like the proverbial duck out of water - rather lost and waddling around looking pathetic.

Business plans are very much like that 'to do' list you make. They give you an idea of where you're suppose to be, or what you should be doing or getting at specific point in your day, week or month.

For an Internet Marketer it's a wonderful way to combat analysis paralysis and information overload. Sometimes I find myself re-learning something I already knew but forgot. A business plan keeps you on track and helps you remember all the stuff you should be implementing.

Check out this business plan for Article Marketing.   As with any business plan you'll want to modify it to meet your needs, but it's a great place to start.

Until next time . . .

All the best,
Learn How to Make Money Online

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