Monday, July 31, 2006

Google Woes For Some Affiliates

Good Morning and a happy Monday to you, on this the last day of July. Well it's good as long as you’re not one of the affiliates hit by the latest Google changes. Yes, the big “G” has been at it again. Some affiliates using Google AdWords have been hit with huge price increases and only partly because of Google’s distrust and borderline prejudice towards affiliate marketers.

With Google it seems we have to go the second mile to prove we’re on the up-and-up. We’re sort of guilty until we are able to prove ourselves innocent.

So for those hit by the latest rate hikes, take another look at your landing pages and see if the content is worthy. If you have what is referred to as a squeeze page, (there for the purpose of gleaning e-mail addresses) before sending your viewer to the sales page they're interested in, don’t be surprised if the cost of your clicks spiral up.

As they say, “Content is King”. If your content is drivel, it will cost you; which is actually good for affiliate marketers who are in it for the long haul and bad for those who have thrown up a site to grab a fast buck. Look at it from Google's point of view. Their users want relevant, substantive responses to their searches; and Google wants their users to get what they want. And so we want Google to get what it wants.

Just wanted to add a quick note and let you know the free 7 Step Guide to Profits Online is now available and ready to be downloaded. If you want a copy just click the link, or visit us at Hope you have a great week.

All the best,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree; if those dummies want to play the game they have to do a little work.