Monday, March 24, 2008

Need an Easy Way to Set Up Your PPC Campaigns?

Here's a couple of tools you may find helpful as you set up and do maintenance to your AdWords Advertising campaigns. The first is a tool which manipulates your keywords for endless permutations of your basic phrase. In addition to permutations, it will also format your keywords for broad, phrase and exact match at the touch of a button. This can all be done with the free personal version, however if you have further needs, you can purchase the professional version and the sky's the limit. Click here to download your free copy of Keyword Transformer.

As you're formatting your keywords to start your AdWords campaign, you can also tell Keyword Transformer to format your keywords to go into your Google AdWords Editor. The editor can be filled out offline, your information saved, and then upload. With this nifty tool, you can have one or maybe several different campaigns ready to go offline, and then just touch a button and upload to Google. It's a great time saver, and this tool is also free, and can be downloaded by clicking the highlighted text above.

Hope you enjoy the free tools. Until next time . . .

All the best,
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