Thursday, November 01, 2007

Learning Social Networking

Web 2.0 and social networking is the process of site promotion via social media channels to attract targeted traffic. It is low-cost, but can be confusing and time consuming.

There are three types of marketers in respect to social networking. First there are those who don’t believe there is any value in social networking and don’t realize a social networking strategy can bring targeted visitors to any site or business. Then there are those who know nothing about social networking and last but not least, there are those who are interested but don’t know how to use it.

Those who don’t see the value are doomed to marketing mediocrity or worse total obscurity on the internet, fairing little better than those who have been living under a rock and know nothing about it. They both have much worse marketing problems than just not knowing or understanding.

The rest of us fall into the interested but don’t know enough about it group. We know participating in social networking can drive traffic to your site directly from social media websites. We also know, participating can provide links from the social networking sites which as we all know, are so very important to raise your page rank and help you garner visitors via the search engines. After that, it all seems to be just an insurmountable heap of indecipherable information.

To rectify this problem, over the next few weeks I’ll be posting some ideas and suggestions to help us get up and running in this area. We’ll take things one step at a time; we'll learn as we participate.

The first is the Netscape 9.0 browser. The main reason to use the browser is for its integration with the social news portal. You can submit and vote for sites, whether they have widgets installed of not. Just surf the net as usual, and when you run across a site of interest, simply vote for that site.

Until next time . . .

All the best,
Start a Work at Home Business

Submit to Social Websites

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