Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What is Web 2.0?

Just what exactly is Web 2.0? What is it, what does it do, and what does it mean? Is there a precise definition that webmasters can get their little SEO boggled minds around? Well there probably is . . . . but I’m one of these people who likes to cut to the chase and get to the heart of the matter.

In business terms, Web 2.0 is the wave of the future. There are thousands and thousands of web surfers who depend exclusively on Web 2.0 for their web search choices. But the short answer is, Web 2.0 is just a giant game of tag. He who gets the most tags, wins the traffic prize.

The problem is, how to learn the rules, systems and players. It could be a full time job. And to overlook this market is to leave a lot of money on the table for somebody else.

If you try to Google Web 2.0 you get a lot of confusing and long rambling articles leaving you knowing just about as much as you did when you started. Enter Mike Worthington – this young man has taken the topic and made it his own. For a cut to the chase e-book on how to master Web 2.0, check out Web 2.0 Traffic System.

Until next time . . .

All the best,
Start a Work at Home Business

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